Friday, April 11, 2014

Spirits From Beyond review up at Buzzy Mag

The good folks at Buzzy Mag have published another review I wrote for them. The review is for the novel Spirits From Beyond by Simon R. Green. The first two paragraphs and a link to the review are below:

All clichés start off innocent and with the best of intentions. They are a nifty little way of saying something so that everyone can easily understand what is meant. Unfortunately the phrases are used so much they make readers and listeners cringe when they come across them (like beating a dead horse, yikes). Good writers avoid clichés like one would avoid bill collectors. Simon R. Green seems to relish in clichés.

Our A-Team of ghost finders (JC, Happy, and Melody) begin by investigating how JC died and was brought back “from beyond” and given new special powers. Along the way they run into JC’s ghost girlfriend, Kim, whom they all thought was gone forever. The newly reunited team goes into London Undertowen looking for answers only to find they have walked into a trap. They easily escape this trap and setup the ending so it doesn’t appear as the deus ex machina that it is. The team heads back to the Carnacki Institute to use the secret library they have access to for some reason. They find that the library is also a trap from the Flesh Undying that they were fighting in the previous novel. The thing that really strikes as odd here is that the team shouldn’t have had access to the library and therefore they would be no reason for a trap to be set there...More

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